"Puerto Rico", "San German", Blog English, Country

Convent of Saint Dominic of “Porta Coeli” (Gateway to Heaven)

With over 412 years, is the most visited site in the town of San Germán, Puerto Rico and is considered one of the oldest churches in the Americas. This is about the Church of Porta Coeli or “Gateway to Heaven” built in 1606. Originally it was the Convent of “Santo Domingo de Porta Coeli”, a convent and school with its chapel. Continue reading “Convent of Saint Dominic of “Porta Coeli” (Gateway to Heaven)”

"Ponce", "Puerto Rico", Blog English, Country

Fire House – Ponce, Puerto Rico

One of the symbols that distinguishes the stately city of Ponce, Puerto Rico, is its Fire House. A beautiful wooden structure that exhibits a Victorian style with a clear inclusion of arabesque elements. It was designed by the Spanish colonel and architect Máximo Meana y Guridi and inaugurated at the end of 1882 while Puerto Rico was still a colony of Spain. Continue reading “Fire House – Ponce, Puerto Rico”

"Seville", Blog English, Country, Spain

The Consistorial House of Seville

The consistorial house of Seville, in Spain, is the main seat of the Seville City Council. This building is one of the most notable examples of plateresque architecture in Andalusia. It was decided to erect the structure in the Plaza de San Francisco, which was a central and commercial area, in front of the convent that gave it its name and in front of the “Audiencia”. The work began in the year 1526, and the first City Council Meeting held for the first time in this new headquarters in 1556. Continue reading “The Consistorial House of Seville”