"Seville", Briefs, Country, Spain

Palace of King Peter

“El muy alto et muy noble et muy poderoso et muy conqueridor don Pedro por la gracia de Dios rey de Castilla et de León, mandó fazer estos alcázares et estos palacios et estas portadas que fue fecho en la era de mill et quatrocientos y dos años” So reads the inscription in Arabic on the tile mural atop, in reference to the year in which this building was completed.

The main entrance of the Palace of King Peter is located in the courtyard of the “Montería” of the “Real Alcazar” in Seville, Spain. King Pedro I, especially in Tordesillas and Seville, used Arabic epigraphy to extol its virtues. This is because, from the fourteenth century, the Castilian monarchs stop copying European trends for inspiration in models of Andalusia. This allows this palace of Peter I to contains various writings in Arabic enriching the structure.

The wood used is mostly pine for both coffered (aljarfes), for doors with gold or polychrome tracery and window frames.

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