The early dawn sunlight began peeking through the curtains on the window of our hotel room as we still relished the great satisfaction and joy of having visited the “Alhambra” the day before. The new dawn heralded that there was still much to be seen, visited and discovered in Granada. Continue reading “Granada, so magnificant”
Category: Country
Ronda, you are marvelous
We first became familiar with Ronda on account of some very impressive photos of the “Puerte Nuevo sobre el Tajo” (New Bridge) we found surfing the internet. Continue reading “Ronda, you are marvelous”
Here we are Seville!
We arrived at Seville from Écija by car thanks to our friends Rafa and Elena. Arriving directly to the old quarters of the city and from the “Plaza Nueva” we sighted City Hall from where we began touring this great city. As customary, we first stopped to have a good cup of coffee and then head towards a nearby Tourism Office. This is always recommended as one can review the city map, they offer recommendations as well as indicate any changes in the daily schedule of events and visiting hours to different sites. Continue reading “Here we are Seville!”
The Christ of Amends and Compassion
On the Plaza of the Capuchin Monks in Cordoba, we find the Christ of Amends and Compassion structure which is more commonly known as “Cristo de los Faroles” or Christ of the Lanterns. This sculpture was created by Juan Navarro León in 1794 and this is one of the most frequently visited places in Cordoba. The Franciscan Capuchin Monk Fray Diego José de Cádiz, one one of its greatest promoters. This piece was made nationally famous with the 1958 Antonio Molina’s movie “El Cristo de los Faroles”. Continue reading “The Christ of Amends and Compassion”
Córdoba, city of great treasures
The “Colonia Patricia Corduba” was the capital of the Baetica province under the Roman rule of “Hispania”. A city which allow Rome to be interlinked with the rest of the territory which is known today as Andalusia. The Ancient “Vía Augusta” was and still is today, the main road that interconnects the principal cities of the region. We used “Córdoba” as an exchange axis to visit Andalusia, with its easy access from Madrid and its connections to “Écija” and Granada by means of its transportation network of railroads and buses.