"Porto", "Portugal", Briefs, Country

“Infante Don Henrique el Navegante” Park – Porto, Portugal

Walking towards the Douro River through the streets of Porto, suddenly we find the Plaza / Garden in honor of “Don Henrique de Avis y Lancaster”, son of Porto and better known as the Navigator. “Don Henrique”  was the promoter of Portuguese policy for maritime explorations along the African coasts and the Atlantic Ocean; the era of Portuguese discoveries. In the center of this garden, a statue of the “Infante”, a work by Tomás Costa from 1894.

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"Braga", "Portugal", Briefs, Country

Church (and Convent) of “Pópulo” – Braga, Portugal

The Archbishop of Braga, Don Fray Agostinho de Jesus wanted to have a decent place to be buried. As a result, he ordered the construction of the Church of “Pópulo” in 1596 together with its Convent, destined for the religious order, the “Eremitas do San Agustín”. The name of the Church is derived from the Church of “Sanctae Mariae de Populo” in Rome, of great importance for the Order of Saint Augustine.

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"Porto", "Portugal", Blog English, Country

Igreja de São Francisco – Porto, Portugal

After strolling through the Jardim do Infante Dom Henrique, in Porto, Portugal, we headed towards the Igreja de São Francisco crossing the Rua de Ferreira Borges. As we climbed the stairs we could see the baroque facade of the Church with a rose window on the top and over the entrance a statue of Saint Francis. It was built between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

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"Portugal", Blog English, Country, Thomar

Igreja do São João Baptista – Thomar, Portugal

Facing the “Praça da República” in the city of the Knights Templar, Thomar, Portugal, we find the “Igreja do São João Baptista” (Church of Saint John the Baptist). It is a late Gothic temple whose date of foundation is unknown. There is documentary evidence that under the reign of Manuel I in the fifteenth century it was subject to a reconstruction.

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"Portugal", Blog English, Country, Lisbon

Castelo de São Jorge – Lisbon, Portugal

At the top of the highest hill in the “Alfama” ward, you will find what from the 12th century is known as the “Castelo de São Jorge” or “Castillo de San Jorge”. The castle has eleven towers and its construction of the mid-eleventh century is attributed to the Muslims, with the purpose of defending the “Alcazaba” or citadel.

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