What would you like to see, eat, do and feel in the different countries you visit? The answer to this and the following questions will help you decide which countries o cities you can most enjoy in defining the type of traveler you are.
- Do you like historical or modern cities? Both?
- What type of food do you like? Meat, Poultry, seafood? Do you eat a lot or moderately?
- Are you demanding when it comes to your coffee?
- Do you enjoy walking or prefer the bus?
- Would you move about a country in bus or in train?
- Are you athletically inclined?
- Do you enjoy the outdoors?
- Are you a beach person?
- What music do you prefer?
- Do you like art? Visit museums?
- History buff or pleasure?
- What is your favorite season to travel?
- What temperatures do you prefer?
- Have any health issues?
- How do you feel physically? Can you climb stairs or steep hills?
Our definition as Travelers was easy. We are both passionate about history, ancient cities, town squares, palaces, castles, forts, monumental cathedrals, temples, ancient architecture, stained-glass windows, gardens and all things that evoke the past. We enjoy art and visiting museums.

Presently we don’t engage any sports activities, but we trained well for our travels. “La Viajera” trains on her Elliptical machine whereas “el Mochilero” power walks around the track / park. We enjoy touring cities by walking which allows us to understand the cities’ organization and in doing so we can stop at any time to enjoy sites that call our attention. And yes, we take many pictures with our cell phone cameras. Incidentally, we shall sharing our thoughts separately on how to maximize your use of cell phone cameras, without the need to haul a Canon, Nikon o Sony camera. It’s the best thing invented!
We eat well during our trips and avoid eating exaggeratedly so as to not pay the price later. The best of all is that we have adopted a new say, “Solo de tapas vive el hombre” which means “man can live off “tapas” (bar snacks).

Many good “tapas” y good beers we have had in Madrid, Toledo, Ecija, Ronda, Seville, Cordoba and Granada. Many more to come. Not to mention the coffee.
As good and typical Puerto Ricans, having a good cup of coffee is critical in all our travels. We have no complaints about the coffee in Spain. Divine!
As we live in the tropics, we prefer to travel to other countries when the temperatures are cool. Just to feel a different temperature and breathe of air. Perhaps that’s the reason why every time they recommend a Caribbean Cruise, “la Viajerita” laughs her head off. Really, go from one Caribbean isle to another? Nah! Nothing wrong with that, many prefer cruises to simply to enjoy a hotel that floats on the sea. LOL!
And much in the same manner that we have defined ourselves as travelers, so should you. In doing so, it make it easier when deciding where to travel and the expectations you may have.
In the end, it’s all about enjoying the trip!