Blog English, Country, Italy, Rome

The Trajan Forum, Rome

Since our arrival in Rome, all roads led us to the Trajan Forum. This forum was the last of the Imperial Forums, built by Emperor Marco Ulpio Trajan in his own honor. Currently, it defines the imperial city border to the modern city.

Trajan, born in Hispania, was emperor of Rome between the years 98 to 117. He is responsible for having expanded the Empire to its maximum size.

In the Trajan Forum, one will find the “Colonna Traiana”, a monument that commemorates the victory in the Dacian Wars. The column measures about 30 meters (98 feet). It’s construction was funded with the spoils of said war.

In front of this monument are the “Santissimo Nome di Maria Churches at the Traiano Forum” and “Santa Maria di Loreto”.

“Santissimo Nome di Maria to the Forum Traiano” or Most Holy Name of Mary in the Trajan Forum was born due to the need for a larger temple. The congregation devoted to the Most Holy Name of Mary, were using the Church of “San Bernardo de la Column de Trajano”, temple which did not have the space to accommodate the entire congregation. They managed to buy the lot next to the Church of “San Bernardo de la Column de Trajano”, in order to build a new Baroque-style temple. The temple dates to the eighteenth century and its facade is modest, using as a building material a pale marble.

On the other hand, the Church of “Santa Maria di Loreto” in Rome is octagonal and its construction dates back to the 16th century. This church borders on what was the Hadrian Temple and is diagonally across from the “Altar of the Fatherland.” It was built on the remains of a 15th century church. In contrast to its neighbor the “Santissimo Nome di Maria to the Forum Traiano” church,  it has a more colorful facade.

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