"Granada", Briefs, Country, Spain

The Patio of the “Doncellas”

It is hard to believe that what we now-a-day know as the “Patio de las Doncellas” in the “Real Alcázar ” of Seville was in part, once buried beneath a marble pavement. The structure’s bedding and a pond were uncovered as an archaeological finding in 2002. As a result of this, the structure of this old Moorish garden was revealed, making it a very relevant event for the archaeological history of medieval Spain.

The “Patio de las Doncellas” has a square shape with four boarding galleries; two consisting of seven arches and the others having five arches. The sides of the bedding are decorated with intertwined pointed arches separated by a marble column, which replaced the original brick columns. The lobed arches bear plaster works and reliefs, thus jointly with the rest of the structure results in a gran geometric and symmetric work.

With regards to the lower level, the same had spaces or rooms which were available for guests, while the superior level was reserved for private usage. The superior level was restored between 1540 and 1572. The Patio enables access to three palace halls named; “el Salon del Dormitorio”, Carlos V and the Ambassadors, the latter containing medals and imperial coats of arms.


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