Blog English, Country, Delphi, Greece

The Oracle of Delphi, Greece

“I warn you, whoever you are, who yearn to inquire into the mysteries of nature, that, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it without. If you ignore the virtues of your own abode, how can you hope to discover other excellencies? In thee resides that which is the Treasury of Treasures.” Message of the Oracle of Delphi.

Continue reading “The Oracle of Delphi, Greece”

"Cuenca", Blog English, Country, Spain

Cathedral of “Santa María” and “San Julián” of Cuenca, Spain

Cuenca’s most emblematic monument, the Cathedral of Santa María and San Julián, is undoubtedly a temple that jumps out at you once you arrive at the Plaza Mayor of this picturesque city located in the mountains in central eastern Spain. It was the first building that began to be built after the conquest of the city at the end of the 12th century. And, as often happens after a conquest, the Christian temple was built on the site of the old Muslim citadel. Continue reading “Cathedral of “Santa María” and “San Julián” of Cuenca, Spain”

"Salamanca", Blog English, Country, Spain

The New Cathedral of Salamanca

In 1491, the Cabildo of Salamanca proposed the need for a temple of larger dimensions, since the Old Cathedral, Romanesque, was small and dark for the time, given the population development that was taking place at that time. The master builders of the cathedrals of Toledo and Seville were hired, with the mission to build a new cathedral for Salamanca, laying the first stone on May 12, 1513. We had commented in the previous article dedicated to the Old Cathedral, that when we observe the structure it gives the impression that it is only one cathedral and not two. This was achieved by supporting the New Cathedral on the north wall of the Old Cathedral. The wall was reinforced towards the interior of the old temple, leaving the lateral nave partially reduced with the new construction. The tower of the new cathedral was built over the bell tower of the Old Cathedral. Continue reading “The New Cathedral of Salamanca”

"Salamanca", Blog English, Country, Spain

Old Cathedral of Salamanca

Six cities in Spain have two cathedrals and Salamanca is one of them. Some of these are built separately and others, as in the case of the cathedrals of Salamanca, may be united. The reality is that, for nearly four hundred years, the Old Cathedral and the New Cathedral have lived together as one. And, although they may appear to be a single structure, the truth is that each has its own separate history and so we will treat them as such. For obvious reasons, it is with the Old Cathedral of Salamanca that we begin the first part of this article. Continue reading “Old Cathedral of Salamanca”

"Madrid", Blog English, Country, Spain

Royal Theater of Madrid

When making your way to take the Metro Opera Station in Madrid’s Isabel II Square, or strolling through the gardens of the Plaza of the Orient, there is one building that stands out very elegantly, it is the Royal Theater. It is the first institution for the performing arts in Spain, the National opera house and considered one of the main opera coliseums internationally. Its program ranges from its renowned opera productions, ballet, dance, flamenco, concerts, to entertainment and shows for the whole family. Continue reading “Royal Theater of Madrid”

Blog English, Country, France, Paris

Lapérouse Restaurant in Paris

Stopping at number 51 of the “quai des Grands Augustins” and pause to observe the Lapérouse Restaurant in Paris is unavoidable. Its antique details and the female paintings adorning its facades impart a great beauty and colorfulness, difficult to evade. The Lapérouse is located on the left bank of the Seine River (Paris 6), offering a wonderful panoramic view of the river. It reopened in 2018 after a renovation that maintained the original decorative elements.

Lapérouse defines itself as ‘The House of Pleasure’ and since 1766, what was a former private mansion was transformed into a wine store. It was the first restaurant in the world to obtain 3 stars in the Michelin guide in 1933. It specializes in traditional cuisine and seats only 58 patrons for dinner.

For more than two centuries, it has been the scene of French haute cuisine as well as of the literary, political and cultural social life of Tout-Paris. Zola, Maupassant, Baudelaire, Proust … the great Victor Hugo, the famous novelist Colette (from “La Chatte”), Serge Gainsbourg (who met Jane Birkin here), Woody Allen who chose the place for one of the scenes of “Midnight in Paris”, Orson Welles, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway! If only these walls could speak! Today, these great writers, artists, filmmakers, political leaders and actors are joined by other great personalities of fashion and cinema, making every moment at Lapérouse a unique experience.

For those who wish to have a complete gastronomic experience, including history and great beauty, this is the ideal place. Of course, always remembering that fame has a price.



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Blog English

Hermitage of “San Antonio de la Florida”, Madrid

Arriving at #5 of the “San Antonio de la Florida” Roundabout on the banks of the Manzanares River in Madrid, you look straight ahead and find not one, but two identical hermitages. Now, it is the so-called San Antonio de la Florida hermitage on the right side of the square, the reason for arriving there. It is the only one, of three hermitages, dedicated to San Antonio de Padua that has survived of those that existed on the outskirts of Madrid. It is known as the hermitage of “San Antonio de la Florida” because it is located on the “Paseo de la Florida”, where formerly stood the Palace of Florida, acquired by Charles IV. Today, there are no remains of this palace as it was demolished in the 19th century to enable the construction of the new “Estación del Norte” (now the Príncipe Pío Railroad Station). Continue reading “Hermitage of “San Antonio de la Florida”, Madrid”

"Madrid", Blog English, Country, Spain

The Church of Saint Theresa and Saint Joseph of Madrid

Its facade, reminds us of a medieval fortress, creating a very marked and beautiful contrast with the modern buildings that surround it. It is the National Temple of Saint Theresa of Jesus and Convent of the Discalced Carmelite Fathers, also known as the Church of Saint Teresa and Saint Joseph in Madrid, Spain. This church was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest on December 20, 1995. Continue reading “The Church of Saint Theresa and Saint Joseph of Madrid”