Here we present some works of the great Spanish painter and sculptor Pablo Ruiz Picasso exhibited in some museums that we visited in New York. Specifically, in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (The MET).

Pablo Picasso, born in Malaga on October 25, 1881, is considered since the beginning of the 20th century as one of the greatest painters who participated in various artistic movements that spread throughout the world. Picasso exerted much influence on other great artists of the time.

He was the creator, jointly with Georges Braque, of the style of Cubism. His works are present in museums and collections throughout Europe and the world. In addition, he tackled other genres such as drawing, engraving, book illustration, sculpture, ceramics and the design of sets and costumes for theatrical productions. He also has a some literary works.

He died at age 91 in Mougins, France, on April 8, 1973.