"Ronda", Briefs, Country, Spain

Mercy Church & Convent

As one approaches the “New Bridge” in Ronda of the Province of Málaga, one finds the Mercy Church & Convent, built towards the end of the XVI century. In 1551, the Order of Mercy founded this convent dedicated to eh Holy Mother of Mercy. It was not until 1585 that the church was built, which together with its garden is the sole survivor.

The renovations done during the XVIII century were essentially in the interior. It consist of three naves, with its center nave being wider. Its architecture is in a Moorish manner, distinguished with the use of Granite over whitewash, even though part of the masonry is not of stone, rather bricks.  The temple’s facade is stone masonry framed in bricks, harnessed together. The stairwell merges with the facade highlighted with a semi-circular arch stone gateway. Alongside one has a glimpse of the octagonal shaped tower built of bricks simulating stonework.

Presently, the property is owned by the Order of the discalced Carmelite Nuns, which conserve as a relic, a hand of Saint Teresa of Jesus. Those that have viewed the relic comment that if has been well conserved.


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